Learning By Doing Community Education
Micah Beasley, Ra’Shad Bowen-King, Charish Byas, Helena Wheler, Nathan Davies, Sydney Holmes, Mary Owen, Jonathan Ross
Initiative: Community Center and Flexible Spaces that are grounded in activities that are well rounded / based off community interest.
Location: 920 31st Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411
Learning by doing adds additional space near both the Hawthorne and McKinley neighborhoods that is publically driven and directed. The center would have both set activities with a focus on skill development, and flexible spaces within which the community can share their knowledge. Profits from this organization would go back into the community members and instructors dedicating their time in the space; leading, facilitating, etc. While continuing to have societal benefits that exist beyond the limitations of the site, it also provides dedicated areas to further develop day-to-day skills and explore interests collectively.
Additionally, green space would be stitched between this programming, allowing classrooms to have direct access to growing space, the kitchen located in direct proximity to the learning kitchen and fresh ingredients, spots for performers to take breaks near vegetation, spaces for occupants to walk through that are full of plants, etc.

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