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Riley Houlihan and Danny Ogranovich

The North Minneapolis Community Co-Op project seeks to increase ownership in North Minneapolis, enabling building community wealth. With only 44% of the Black population owning homes (versus 77% of the White population) in Minnesota, this project’s investment in families, and independent youth sustains long term community economic and social equity. The co-op would be formed as a non-profit, funded by both private and public sponsors with land purchased and permanently removed from the market. By operating as its own community land trust, the co-op can provide rental and ownership units at a rate affordable to North Minneapolis residents.
Investing in families, and independent youth is key to sustaining long term growth in North Minneapolis. This project serves families of different shapes and sizes, and independent youth, building on existing Twin Cities models such as Hope Community, City of Lakes Community Land Trust, and Connections 2 Independence. Having a variety of housing types allows people to choose the housing type that best fits individual needs, with an option to either rent or own. Priorities identified by community participants inform onsite provision of childcare, food production, safe play space, creative maker spaces and computer facilities to serve essential needs. Using local, vernacular materials and domestic styles found in North Minneapolis residents provides a level of familiarity and comfort.

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