Initiative: Community Center and Flexible Spaces that are grounded in activities that are well rounded / based off community interest. Location: 920 31st Ave N,…
Educational Living Center, is a nontraditional post high school educational alternative, envisioned as adynamic hub where residents, staff, and external community members converge to create…
“Empowering residents of North Minneapolis through design that provides safe,affordable, and sustainable space to live and make.” We envision a project that creates space where…
North Minneapolis has an abrasive history consisting of descrimination and margenalization, resulting in limited riverfront access or appealing public spaces that allow people to engage…
Throughout the Duration of this project community members expressed a need for more competent healthcare systems in North Minneapolis. Research from CDC Places and the…
SPORTSThis map shows sports fields and facilities. The Northside has hubs for sports and recreational activities which surround its most significant green spaces.MINNEAPOLIS VACANT BUILDING…
HOUSEHOLDS WITHOUT A VEHICLEThe high proportion of households in North Minneapolis without automobiles demonstrates the importance of access to public transportation and to safe pedestrian…
OWNERS VS. RENTERSNorth Minneapolis has almost exclusively rental properties, many of which are owned by landlords who do very little upkeep. The majority of households…
COMMUNITY GARDENSGardens within the community are clustered around West Broadway Avenue. Most of the gardens are owned and leased by the city to nonprofit organizations.…
MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIESWhile approximately ninety percent of Minnesota psychiatrists self identify as White, remarkably, every mental health facility located in North Minneapolis has multiple BIPOC…